Thursday, July 21, 2011

Invitations...paper, paper, paper!

We went to look at paper today for invitations. We have about 6 weeks to get them selected, printed, addressed and mailed. I can't believe how quickly the wedding is coming up, and there is so much to do. I still need to finish paying off the church and then there's the food. My mom wants to do actual catering like tapas or something, I would have been happy with popcorn and candies and it could be really cute, the bottom line being inexpensive. I know it's that she just wants it to be nice, and I do appreciate that.

For my mom's wedding, she printed her own invitations, and I would like to do the same thing. Over lunch at cafe Yumm today my mom told me that it would definitely be doable and that I needed to figure out what I was going to do for the invitations themselves. She also suggested going to Paper Plus. We found some that seemed really lovely.
These are very elegant

These are very simple, and Carson loves the embossed hearts

The silver one on the right is a nice seal

This is my favorite I think

This one I think is Carson's favorite
...I guess this one is pretty cool too!

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