Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Goals: July

Fitness & Weight loss
  • Begin Burn Phase of Chalean Extreme. (about 45mins 5x's a week)
  • Begin 16wk C25K program (30mins 3x's a week)

  • Organize kitchen cabinets
  • Go through kitchen tools and appliances to figure out what to keep and what to send to Carson's parents' garage sale or to Goodwill
  • Begin planning new floor plan for 'dining area' and 'computer areas'
  • Eat at least two servings of fruit and/or vegetables a day
  • Try one or two new recipes or ideas a week
  • Stay within calorie ranges and get in water
Fluenz Version F2: Mandarin 1+2+3 with supplemental Audio CDs and PodcastsChinese
  • Complete two to three sessions a week
  • Review vocabulary and dialogues for speaking practice
  • Continue learning Characters for Fluenz vocabulary and for vocab.

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