Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 1: It all starts now! :)

So today is my official "day 1". I was going to last week but it ended up not working out with the vacation and everything. I made an effort to eat more mindfully. I've been getting focused and excited about this whole project. It was sort of strange telling people about it. I mainly only told my family thus far, as I am skiddish when it comes to these sorts of things, so it takes awhile to get comfortable with something new, even if sometimes it never actually does arrive.

Due to my lower back flaring up like it does from time to time, and the massive amounts of fatigue from our trip, I decided have it be a "rest day" and tomorrow I will do ChaLean extreme burn circuit 1 and walk for 25 mins. I have an appointment with my Psychiatrist tomorrow at around 11am, so I'm planning on doing one workout in the morning and one in the evening when I get home from work. It would eventually be nice to get to where I can at least get some of my exercise done in the morning. It can help me get a good start to my day and it's less I have to do later.

Despite not getting my exercise plan started, I did keep within my calorie range. I did fairly well. I do want to get in more fruit. I'm on a real pineapple kick. I also tried black grapes, they were okay, but I think I'll stick to red. If the green grapes in the fridge are still good, I'll give those another try.

Below is my food diary for the day:

Day 1
I have already began to find my first 5k...well, technically 2nd, but I hope to be running most of it this time. :) This is really scary. It's scary in a good way, sort of like anticipating the big drop on a roller coaster. I also feel like there is no turning back, and if I don't do this now, I probably never will. It gets less and less likely it seems with every failure. There's just been some stuff that's been really hard to understand or conceptualize. There's a lot of vulnerability issues and feelings of safety I guess. I hope that I will not be criticized, we all have our demons, and reasons why we struggle with what we struggle.

I have discovered there is a lot more to this than I ever imagined, and it will make it really hard. But I know that the end result will be more than worth it, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. 

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