Monday, September 12, 2011

Fired up!!!

The last few days have been amazing. I've been within my goals and my workouts have been so much fun. I've really been enjoying the Push Circuits for CLX and I'm getting better and better at Fire 30 each time. I really brought the intensity to Saturday's workout. My 4 year old son danced around and even tried some of the moves while I was doing the exercise. He's been really interested in "mommy's exercises" and he wanted to exercise with me. He ended up hanging onto me for some of the combo routines, which made it more challenging, which I was okay with so I allowed it. We actually made it into sort of a game. He was fascinated by the Fire Drills, and was disappointed when the next day I did the Stretch 10 and there weren't any. He also encourages me to do another exercise (sort of like he's my little personal trainer) and the time with him is great. We're still working on the when he goes off to play with his toys, to respect mommy's exercise space. But it's a great experience all the same. I tell him how much I love it when he exercises with me, and he gets so excited when it's a move he can do. I wish I would have been able to get it on video.

I did the TurboFire: 45EZ. It was my first time doing it, so that's always a bit awkward, but I still got a good workout in which always feels really good. I've just had so much energy lately, and I've really enjoyed being in closer contact with my friends. My best friend and MOH, Sarah is one of my new accountability buddies, she's been doing the Tubo Jam videos, which I will be trying myself here in the near future. My friend Ben just started P90X today, so I checked in with him to see how his workout went. I always get really excited when my friends and I are working to better health and we keep in touch and support each other. I also have my accountability buddy on, who has also just become a beach body coach. She has been just awesome with the support and also sharing about her eating and exercise. She is also doing Turbo Jam.

My eating was pretty good. I'm really excited about dinner. We had cucumber and egg sandwiches with were fantastic. I made a dressing to spread a little on the bread and to use for the cucumber and grape tomatoes on the side. It turned out pretty awesome, although I think I'm going to go with maybe juice from only half a lime instead of a whole, and then use either red wine or balsamic vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar. Perhaps also had a bit of fresh ground black pepper. But here's the recipe:

4 Tbs kraft reduced fat mayo with olive oil
juice from 1/2 lime or 2 Tbs lime juice (or to preference)
1 Tbs red wine or balsamic vinegar, or whatever you prefer
1 to 2 Tbs cilantro, chopped
habanero sauce to taste, non vinegar based (I used Melinda's Chipotle & XXXtra hot), you could also use chili sauce like Sriracha.

Mix in a small ramekin or mug or small prep bowl until smooth.

Makes 2 servings.

I took a little of it and spread it onto two Orowheat sandwich thins, with one egg over medium and thinly sliced cucumber.

I then served on the side about 1 half sliced cucumber (per plate) and some grape tomatoes. The remaining dressing was divided among the two plates and drizzled on top of the veggies. It was such a satisfying meal, and really versatile. Also it only took me about 10 to 20 mins to make, was super easy and looked like it was more complicated than it really was. Ah, I love that.

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